How Writing Affects the Brain !

Alice Flaherty, a writer and neuroscientist, wrote The Midnight Disease, a book on a condition called hypergraphia, or the uncontrollable urge to write (though many writers find themselves suffering from the opposite condition, the dreaded “writer’s block.”) And Lisa Cron’s Wired For Story examines the evolutionary basis for storytelling and how it can help modern scribes create effective narratives :

Every engaging story must…ignite the brain’s hardwired desire to learn what happens next. When writers tap into the evolutionary purpose of story and electrify our curiosity, it triggers a delicious dopamine rush that tells us to pay attention. Without it, even the most perfect prose won’t hold anyone’s interest.

This makes intuitive sense : anyone who has ever got lost in a great book or movie can attest to the “rush” that comes from seeing a well-crafted narrative play out. And seeing a bad movie or reading a poorly written story, the viewer/reader almost feels cheated. But how does writing affect the brain of the writer ?

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So writing can serve as a calming, meditative tool — free-writing exercises can drastically reduce your levels of stress. It should also be noted that writing can hold a powerful influence over its readers — Storytellers have the power to, “plant emotions, thoughts, and ideas into the brain of the listener.” But all of these mind-shaping tools can be completely disregarded if one chooses to insert a cliché into his or her writing. When you hear phrases like “love is blind” or “dumb blonde,” your brain skips over these ideas and simply accepts them as a collection of words. Clichés have become so familiar to us that the sensory responses they are supposed to evoke are often severely diluted.

What do you think ? Does writing calm you down, or do just the opposite ? What are some of your writing strategies ? Do you have a daily routine that makes writing easier ? Or do you wander around the house, chewing pencils and mumbling to yourself ?

An article from nofilmschool

7 commentaires Ajoutez le vôtre

  1. J’aime beaucoup ce qu’ils disent sur les clichés ….
    Je crois qu’un écrivain, ne devrait pas en avoir, s’il veut être authentique ….

    Merci pour le partage …
    Bonne semaine …



    1. egouvernaire dit :

      Je pense que les clichés peuvent être utile dans certains cas, mais effectivement, on perd en authenticité 🙂


      1. Oui…tu as raison…ça dépend du sujet du livre …
        Je voulais surtout dire, de ne pas se censurer …
        Merci ….


  2. Aurore Pupil dit :

    Totalement d’accord avec vous 🙂 Merci Emmanuel


    1. egouvernaire dit :

      Merci Aurore !


  3. murielle dit :

    ça me plaît cet article. merci!


    1. egouvernaire dit :

      Et vive les neurosciences 😊


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